NFRD Volunteers Participate in Disinfecting and Sanitizing Service Facilities in Jairoud
Within the framework of precautionary measures taken by the Syrian government in order to prevent spreading of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), NFRD volunteers have been working day and night to serve the community by carrying out disinfection campaigns and helping keep people safe throughout the geographical areas where the Foundation has a presence.
NFRD volunteers headed to Jairoud to carry out the disinfection process of the local bakery and to make sure that it worked properly and complied with the recommended health standards. As they were diligently conducting their work, they went to great lengths to ensure they were taking the proper precautions to avoid infections.
It is worth mentioning that one of the basic protective measures against Covid-19 is what the WHO called Social Distancing which is deliberately increasing the physical space between people to lessen the chances of catching COVID-19.